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Level Select Thursdays: Remember Me


Thanks to the awesomeness of Playstation Plus I was able to download one of their many free games they offer. If you’ve read the title of this particular post then you know that game is Remember Me from Dontnod Entertainment and produced by Capcom. I remember first seeing this game when I attended Wondercon last year and I intrigued to say the least. The concept of memories in a video game format has loads of potential. However I passed on this initially due to me wanting to play other games. Now that I have had the chance to play and beat the game I wanted to share my thoughts. So without further ado let’s dive into the world of Neo Paris.
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The Secret Life of Pandas

I've tripped going up stairs, but hasn't everyone? No? Oh.

The Mighty Warriors Three Marvel Podcast

Kickin' all sorts of Asgard!!


It’s finally time for us to hit this packed bong & stare into each one of our 8 eyes & exclaim with glee: good god! castle vania: rondo of blood— !!!